Fresh Memes

Bored Game

She: “What are doing?”
He: “I’m working on my knight moves.”
She: “Mother was right. I should’ve married Bob Seger.” 1960 Chevrolet Bel Air.

You Can Have it All!

Henry Ford: “In order to be consistent with the value, I am raising the price for my Model T by 400%.”
Voice off camera: “But, Henry, you’re already a zillionaire!”
Henry Ford: “Money isn’t everything.” 1921 Ford Model T.

False Pretension

She: “You told me you owned a luxury car! I never would have dated you had I known you drove a gussied up Biscayne!”
He: “Don’t look at me. I’m so ashamed.” 1966 Chevrolet Caprice Custom.
Duricy's Motor Memes