Push buttons to drive and reverse through years.

1929 DeSoto Six
There's still time to get your girl that Christmas present she always wanted, a 1929 DeSoto.

1929 DeSoto Six
She: "Way to go, Sheila. You start dressing like a man, and the next thing we know we've got transvestite story hour at the public library."

1929 DeSoto Six
She: "I'm not sure if this is what the artist intended, but that bird is about to ruin your day."

1929 DeSoto Six
Few movie buffs know that "Thelma & Louise" is a remake of the 1929 silent film "The Madcap Motoring Misadventures of Ethyl and Valvoline".

1930 DeSoto Six
She: "Is there more to life than the beach, prohibition booze, and fast cars?"
Susan: "No."
Susan: "No."

1931 DeSoto Eight
Blonde: "What an adorable dog!"
Brunette: "He belongs to my mother-in-law. I despise him."
Brunette: "He belongs to my mother-in-law. I despise him."

1934 DeSoto Airflow
She: "You stepped in something."
He: "You bet I did! I stepped right into the future with my new Airflow DeSoto!"
He: "You bet I did! I stepped right into the future with my new Airflow DeSoto!"

1934 DeSoto Airflow
She: "I may not be Eleanor Roosevelt, but I know a New Deal on wheels when I see it."

1934 DeSoto Airflow
Bunny and Biff were afraid to say anthing, but Fred had that maniacal grin ever since he experienced the speed and fuel economy of DeSoto's new automatic overdrive.

1934 DeSoto Airflow
Owen Skelton had a busy night ahead of him. The Fisher sisters wanted to know every thing about scientific weight distribution.

1934 DeSoto Airflow
Chrysler Executive Engineer Carl Breer always read "Little Orphan Annie" while being driven to the plant.

1935 DeSoto Airflow
She: "Tell me. What's it like in the future?"
He: "Well, no one knows what sex they are, and everyone is afraid of Chinese bubble wrap."
He: "Well, no one knows what sex they are, and everyone is afraid of Chinese bubble wrap."

1935 DeSoto Airflow and 1935 Mercedes-Benz 130
If war with Germany came, thought Frank, he was pretty sure we'd win.

1936 DeSoto Airflow
Tanya Harding's great grandfather mows down the competition at the 1936 Lake Placid Cross-Country Ski Championship.

1936 DeSoto Airflow
He: “Care for a ride?”
She: “No, thanks. I’m stuck in the past.”
He: “Oh, you're a GM girl.”
She: “No, thanks. I’m stuck in the past.”
He: “Oh, you're a GM girl.”

1936 DeSoto Airstream
Attendant: “What’s your secret for great mileage, Mr. Pierce?”
Mr. Pierce: “I always use overdrive, and I make Mildred push the last three miles home.”
Mr. Pierce: “I always use overdrive, and I make Mildred push the last three miles home.”

1937 DeSoto
She: "I know you're devoted to the Pope-Hartford, but couldn't we? I want to drive without a duster and goggles like my friends do!"

1937 DeSoto
She: “Honestly, if it weren’t for the DeSoto, the yacht and his Chrysler shares, I’d divorce him.”

1938 DeSoto
Car: "Both Harvard and Yale accepted me, but I chose the College of Hard Knocks instead."

1939 DeSoto
He: "Honey, does your father have a driver's license?"
She: "No. We just let him drive until he gets tired!"
She: "No. We just let him drive until he gets tired!"

1939 DeSoto
For the first time, Jeeves noticed the uncanny resemblance between Walt Disney and Adolf Hitler.

1940 DeSoto
She: "One-hundred horsepower and a gearshift on the steering column. I'm living in the future!"

1941 DeSoto Custom
She: "Are you sure you want to go out to eat during a pandemic?"
He: “Listen, I've survived: scarlet fever, whooping cough, measles, chicken pox, Spanish flu, your mother, and the Second Battle of the Marne. I want steak, and we're going out for steak!”
He: “Listen, I've survived: scarlet fever, whooping cough, measles, chicken pox, Spanish flu, your mother, and the Second Battle of the Marne. I want steak, and we're going out for steak!”

1942 DeSoto
Joe didn't have to take the tunnel into the city. He just liked flipping open his headlights.

1942 DeSoto Custom
He: "Sheesus, Mary Ann, the road to your parents' place is as bleak as our marriage."

1942 DeSoto Custom
She: “What if tomorrow’s style is gray jellybeans?”
He: “That won’t happen if we win the war.”
He: “That won’t happen if we win the war.”

1942 DeSoto Custom
Car: "Sometimes, I close my eyes real hard, and I pretend that I'm a milk chocolate, amaretto opera cream and Linda Darnell wants to bite me."

1942 DeSoto wartime ad
"It's come to the government's attention that you have not gained enough weight during quarantine. You are hereby ordered to eat this cake or face criminal prosecution."

1946 DeSoto Custom
He: "Happy Thanksgiving! Did you bring the turkey?"
She: "No, your dad wouldn't come!"
She: "No, your dad wouldn't come!"

1947 DeSoto Custom
Any Thanksgiving in which Kathy got away without having to taste Aunt Elmira's Mystery Casserole was a Happy Thanksgiving.

1948 DeSoto Custom
He: "God was pretty clear about not eating from this tree."
She: "It's the holidays. I don't know another way to make an apple pie, do you?"
She: "It's the holidays. I don't know another way to make an apple pie, do you?"

1948 DeSoto Custom
The house with car included seemed like a good deal until the cops found a body in the living room.

1949 DeSoto Custom
She: “Anybody else keep hearing a click at 20 miles per hour?”
He: “You should’ve told me you’re a Buick girl.”
He: “You should’ve told me you’re a Buick girl.”

1950 DeSoto Custom Sportsman
Lady scientist Nikki Nicholson couldn't wait to head to the north pole and investigate his thing from a another world.

1951 DeSoto Custom
She: "What's wrong with your face?"
He: "I went to the Studebaker dealer, Shelia. I saw things. Terrible things."
He: "I went to the Studebaker dealer, Shelia. I saw things. Terrible things."

1951 DeSoto Custom
He: "I love our new DeSoto! I feel like the Spaniards conquering the Americas."
She: "Just get to the Piggly Wiggly without taking hostages."
He: "Spoil sport."
She: "Just get to the Piggly Wiggly without taking hostages."
He: "Spoil sport."

1951 DeSoto Custom Sportsman
She: "Why is everything black and white with you?"
He: "I majored in Gender Studies."
He: "I majored in Gender Studies."

1953 DeSoto FireDome
She: “Is this the end of the world?”
He: “No, I think there’s more world on the other side of the ocean.”
He: “No, I think there’s more world on the other side of the ocean.”

1953 DeSoto FireDome
She: “Is this the way to Marlboro Country?”
He: “No, but you can walk a mile for a Camel.”
He: “No, but you can walk a mile for a Camel.”

1953 DeSoto FireDome Sportsman
Black balled from the garden club, Cynthia showed the ladies just what they could do with their annuals.

1953 DeSoto FireDome Sportsman
She: "You dragged me all the way out here so that you could paint rocks?!"
He: "Just wait until Kirk starts fighting the Gorn!"
He: "Just wait until Kirk starts fighting the Gorn!"

1953 DeSoto FireDome Sportsman
She: "Where are you going?"
He: "I'm going out for cigarettes and to start a new life without you!"
He: "I'm going out for cigarettes and to start a new life without you!"

1954 DeSoto FireDome
She: "How can she park that big DeSoto so easily?'"
He: "I used to date her. She has arms like a stevedore."
He: "I used to date her. She has arms like a stevedore."

1955 DeSoto Firedome
She: "Thanks to my bomb shelter and styled-for-tomorrow DeSoto, I'm ready for the post-apocalyptic future!"

1955 DeSoto Firedome Sportsman
She: “You want me to wear a mask? I’m already wearing a peticote, an underwire brassiere, nylons, and Chanel No. 5.”

1955 DeSoto Fireflite
She: "Whenever I'm unsure, I drive my DeSoto before I decide. Then, if I accept the hit, I buy a new hat and fresh ammo."

1955 DeSoto Fireflite
She: "You find the strangest things at seized property auctions."
He: "I hear it belonged to Sam Giancana."
He: "I hear it belonged to Sam Giancana."

1955 DeSoto Fireflite
She: "Out of gas?"
He: "Nah, the hemi is the most efficient V8 on the road. I just feel like making out."
He: "Nah, the hemi is the most efficient V8 on the road. I just feel like making out."

1955 DeSoto Fireflite
He: "Don't get out of the car, ma'am. This is #AdministrativeProfessionalsDay; you're only a secretary."

1955 DeSoto Fireflite
He: "Hey, babe. Wanna go make out at the Jefferson Memorial?"
She "No!"
He: "Why not?
She: "I'm Mamie Eisenhower."
She "No!"
He: "Why not?
She: "I'm Mamie Eisenhower."

1955 DeSoto Fireflite
Poor Dad. That new car smell lasted precisely as long as his ride home from the DeSoto-Plymouth dealer.

1955 DeSoto Fireflite Sportsman
American fashion designer Anne Fogarty backed over Coco Chanel, and wasn't sorry.

1955 DeSoto Fireflite Sportsman
Car: "I could have gone to Wellesely, but I refused to drop my top for the 'posture photo'."

1956 DeSoto Firedome
Station wagon: "Hey, Marge! Whatchya got in the bag?"
Convertible: "Your husband."
Convertible: "Your husband."

1956 DeSoto Fireflite
Car: "You do your best for your kid, give him all the opportunities, and he grows up to be a damn Dodge."

1956 DeSoto Fireflite Sportsman
Young Bernie Sanders couldn't wait to escape American austerity and relocate to Sweden.

1956 DeSoto Fireflite Sportsman
She: "I'm committed to the Forward Look, but I still check my rearview mirrors."

1956 DeSoto Fireflite Sportsman and convertible
She: "Does it come with an auto-winding, Doomsday Clock? I don't want a car that doesn't come with an auto-winding Doomsday Clock."

1956 DeSoto Fireflite with Highway Hi-Fi
Whenever Grace Kelly had the Christmas blues, she'd play "Old Man River" and drive to the liquor store.

1957 DeSoto Adventurer
Sandra was the only driver in the history of the Pennsylvania Turnpike to receive a thank you letter from the Pennsylvania State Police.

1957 DeSoto Fireflite
Mother: "Susan, why are you driving my DeSoto?"
Susan: "Daddy took the T-bird away."
Susan: "Daddy took the T-bird away."

1957 DeSoto Fireflite
She: "I don't normally pick up hitch hikers, but seeing as how we're both going to Marlboro Country."

1957 DeSoto Fireflite
He: "After Ratso died during our bus ride to Florida, my hustling finally paid off in Miami. I bought this DeSoto and found me some land out west called Brokeback Mountain."

1957 DeSoto Fireflite Sportsman
He: "Where are you folks off to?"
She: "We're going to see Ingmar Bergman's 'The Seventh Seal'! Care to join us?"
She: "We're going to see Ingmar Bergman's 'The Seventh Seal'! Care to join us?"

1957 DeSoto Fireflite Sportsman
She: "Remember how I said it would be a cold day in hell before I owned a DeSoto? Well, I feel chilly."

1957 DeSoto Fireflite Sportsman
She: "Welcome to the anchor franchise of the International House of Pancakes!"

1957 DeSoto Firesweep
Nothing wooed the ladies like Bill's rendition of “Old Man River” on the harmonica

1958 DeSoto Fireflite Sportsman
She: "Wow! Dad's old DeSoto looked like it was upholstered by London Fog."

1958 DeSoto Fireflite Sportsman
He: "Is this Heaven?"
She: "Obviously! There's a DeSoto with a poodle in it."
She: "Obviously! There's a DeSoto with a poodle in it."

1958 DeSoto Firesweep Sportsman
She: "You paid extra for back-up lights, wheel covers, and whitewall tires. That's SO sexy!"

1959 DeSoto Adventurer
Dad: "Just think, son. Someday, all this will belong to the French and Italians."

1959 DeSoto Firedome Sportsman
She: "Honey, call Columbo and tell him to come get his dog."
He: "I can't. My twin brother and I electrocuted our uncle before he could marry Julie Newmar and leave her our inheritance."
He: "I can't. My twin brother and I electrocuted our uncle before he could marry Julie Newmar and leave her our inheritance."